You are welcome to download these flyer pdfs, print them, and hand them out.
flyer1.pdf - Piers Morgan - - single sided A4 to cut into 3 flyers
flyer2.pdf - Why are so many doctors - single sided A4 to cut into 3 flyers
flyer3.pdf - Standing up for freedom - single sided A4 to cut into 3 flyers
questions-questions.pdf - double sided A4 to cut into 2 flyers
If you have a flyer you'd like to make available, please email the pdf to me :)
Vaxxed & Unvaxxed 4 Freedom Govt blocks Covid Treatment? Safe? & Effective? Doctors & Nurses Refuse Vax? Freedom or Servitude? Pro-Science, Pro-Health, Anti-Vax Censhorship is Violence The Media Lies? The Govt Lies? No Covid Treatments? Questions are Terrorism? Vaccines are the only option? PCR+ means Covid? Jacinda the only source of truth? Stop listening to Misinforamtion. Turn off the TV. The Vaxxed can get Covid? The Vaxxed are Selfish? Vaxxed & Unvaxxed Spread Covid? The Vax Works..Booster..Booster..Booster! So good they use COERCION A Jab is not just for Xmas but for life