NZ Freedom

Fighting for New Zealand Freedom

Psychology & Tyranny

Psychology and the Creation of a Tyrannical System


You can do lots of research on the science of Covid, and come to the conclusion that something is not right. You can feel that something is weird but you can't pin it down. What is going on?
Now is a good time to research something which you may not think is relevant or interesting, but I think once you listen to this video, you'll understand a lot more about how and why we are where we are. I think this is vital to listen to. Listen and see if I'm right.

One of the latest and best Mattias Desmet videos (28th July 2022):
How To Defeat Totalitarianism - Chris Martenson talking to Mattias Desmet

Mattias Desmet on Our Grave Situation - The Monster that Devours it's own Children with Chris Martenson - Great detail, must watch. Rumble Backup

Why People WILLINGLY Give Up Their Freedoms With Prof. Mattias Desmet by Aubrey Marcus - Really good explanation of all of this

Was I right? Do you now understand why some people seem to be crazy at the moment? Why some look normal? Why some seem a little confused?
Now I suggest this video, which has a more historical view. Does that fill in the picture?

Mass Psychosis & You with Dr Chris Martenson. Psychosis is a very routine and well-documented part of human history.

Was I right?
In my opinion all of Prof Mattias Desmet videos are worth watching.
Mass Formation Psychosis by Dr Robert Malone
Mass Formation with Prof Mattias Desmet Dr Robert Malone Dr Peter McCullough

Another psychologist from the US saying the same in different words, with how to talk/listen to those who are afraid.
Mass Delusional Psychosis - with Dr Mark McDonald


Do you now see how the pieces fit together? How we've had lies and propaganda, and how a tyrannical state has been created?
Do you think these things are normal? Do you think they are going to stay in other countries? Do you think you are safe from tyranny because you are vaccinated?

Military Has Begun Sending COVID Suspects In Oz To Camps

If this reminds you of WW2 in Germany, with Jews being rounded up and taken to camps it should.
Those in positions of power are either evil psychopaths or they have been made psychotic. If psychotic they believe what they are doing is for good, while doing evil.

More great psychology videos

Academy of Ideas

MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL. Backup on Rumble
How Civil Disobedience Safeguards Freedom and Prevents Tyranny. Backup on Rumble
The Psychology of Power - How to Dethrone Tyrants. Backup on Rumble
The Big Lie - How to Enslave the World. Backup on Rumble
Social Media - Why it Sickens the Self and Divides Society. Backup on Rumble
Smartphones and Social Media a Mass Surveillance Distopia. Backup on Rumble


Why are so many choosing a life in a cage? by Dr. Julie Ponesse
Asch Conformity Experiment - Why people follow the herd