NZ Freedom

Fighting for New Zealand Freedom

Take Action

If you now see what's going on, please go join some freedom groups. It will make you feel better, more connected, empowered, stronger.

Then, please, do what you can to speak out, to do what Mattias Desmet suggests. Show other people that you are here. Help stop the hypnotised from going deeper. Help break this tyranny and get us back to freedom.

It isn't enough to just talk to likeminded people. It is not enough to just join freedom rallies.
We MUST change minds. We must reach the middle 40%. We must become the majority.

First you might just want to join a group of likeminded people holding signs. You can just join them and chat. Then you might feel you want to hold a sign.

Face to Face on the Street

I'm hoping that then you might feel empowered enough to checkout my Flyers Page.
Print out some flyers, and yes it's a worrying thing to do at first, start offering people flyers. Once you've done it once, it gets much easier and even fun. Trust me I've done it once and I feel empowered to keep doing it. Every little thing helps.

What to do

Wear smart casual clothing with messages/questions on your clothing. Here's an example:


Have some flyers to hand out.
Offer those passing by a flyer. Be happy, friendly and confident.
Whether the person takes a flyer or not, especially if they do not, be nice and thank them.
If they call you an "anti-vaxxer" just smile and say "yes I'm one of those monsters lol"
Remember this is a performance, not just for those you talk to, but for those who walk by and you don't get to talk to. You are getting people see you, a happy confident person who does not have the same views as them.

Some important points

You are NOT trying to convince anyone. If someone wants a flyer, give them a flyer. But the real aim is to talk to those who do not want a flyer.
It is your presence, your clothing with obvious "anti-vax" messages/questions, your happiness and friendliness and confidence that is important.
They won't take a flyer, which is great. But they will leave confused that this "anti-vaxxer" seemed like a nice person. That is the aim. Cognitive dissonance.
In this way you have nothing to fear. Just enjoy time out in the Sun talking to people. And know that every person who goes away confused is one more step to awakening those who are hypnotised.

Articles Explaining the Techniques

Please read these guides by Paul Edwards before you start:
Talking to people about the Globalist Threat. A pdf file in case that disappears.
A follow up article: Influencing people on the street. A pdf file in case that disappears.
Why local face to face action is best What is more effective? Mass Rallies or Local Action? A pdf file in case that disappears.

More Information and Ideas on Tactics to Help End Tyranny

How to Teach Revolution with Srdja Popovic of Serbia

Non-Violent twice as likely to succeed. Define simple aim. Identify pillars of power (Police, Media...). Pull don't push. Plan for Victory.

Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS)
ICNC - International Center on Nonviolent Conflict - Free pdf resource
Blueprint for Revolution with Srdja Popovic of Serbia - Video